Agency for Paranormal Investigation


It is the Agency's duty to protect the American people from paranormal threats. 1 in 3 Americans have been directly affected by the actions of a creature of interplanar origins. Interactions between these creatures and humans are rarely positive-- those that start well usually end in disaster. As such, the Agency's mission is to investigate these happenings and to prevent them from happening again.

It goes without saying that that is easier said than done. A secretive government agency can't do much against an alien species or an evil parasite. As such, we have three primary ways of prevention:

  1. CONTAIN: Keep the creature, and the knowledge about it, in a specified location.
  2. DISTRACT: Focus the creature on a diversion, preventing them from interacting with humans.
  3. EDUCATE: Providing a detailed report on a creature to other branches of government, whom will act accordingly.

I hope that those of you who have joined the Agency can help us eradicate supernatural happenings-- for good.

- Marcine Rochester

The Agency for Paranormal Investigation follows a group of government officials from non-traditional backgrounds who study the paranormal. Stories are told via "cases", and are primarily forensic documents that can be pieced together to figure out what the happening was.

If it isn't obvious, inspiration is heavily from SCP and The Magnus Archives.


These are mini-bios until I create pages for them.

Marcine Rochester

Head of the Agency. Direct, dogmatic, and distant, it can be difficult to understand the woman outside of her work. But can you blame her, after spending 80 years trying to solve her brother's abduction by aliens?

Nam Tran

Secretary. Born to a prominent government family in California, it seems like his life was destined for politics. Learning of magic by his ex, however, makes him realize just how strange his family is...

Luna Starnight

Coder. The Great Hacker of Spirit Lake, she prefers to not be referred to at all and live in the shadows. Punk, Luna hates any government institution. However, after being reached out to by Marcine, she realized that this might give her an opportunity to protect her community.

Kathleen Moretti

Psychic. If any word were to describe Kathleen, it'd be privileged. A WASP mom from Los Angeles, her life was turned upside down when she consumed a mystic protein smoothier from her yoga instructor. This gave her the ability to see into the future-- connecting with Marcine's daughter, Abigail, Kathleen joined the Agency.

Merjema Nisič

Investigator. From an immigrant Bosnian family, Merjema aspired to be a detective. In a way, her dream was fulfilled when she scoured for information after a car crash that should've been fatal, but resulted in two perfectly intact cars and no members of the colliding car... anywhere.

Adam Wallace

Intern. Sociable and hyper, he's never been able to hold down a job. Living the NEET lifestyle, Adam became obsessed with the occult and learning of the API. Contacting Luna and begging her to let him join, he only managed to get his way after summoning a demon.

Nālani Nakamura

Investigator. A plantation worker in Hawai'i, he got into an argument with the owner's son. Nālani's anger and the anger of the community resulted in a psionic blast severly harming the owner's son. This became the first case of the API.

Alex Goldsmith

Intern. From the Lower East Side, Alex is a stoner whose only friend is his plug-situationship. After finding a portal system in the NYPL, he gains the attention of Ettore, Nam's ex, who puts him in contact with the API.

Somporn Noknoi

Investigator. An ascetic from rural Thailand, his life changed when, after an almstrip, his entire monastery was deserted. Still, he lived there for over a year until a passing doctor, Suhani, convinced him to leave. The two fell in love and immigrated to America, but separated soon after.

Suhani Cherukuri

Investigator. The star of the Cherukuri family, she became a travelling doctor. Finding Somporn and falling love, the two moved to America. After separating, she started a new, normal life-- until she discovered bodies devoid of any innards in the Rio Grande. Here, she gets back in contact with Somporn and the two join the API.

Natalia Choi

Intern. Living a relatively unremarkable life in Chicago, she became an internet celebrity through her college and study vlogs. Her involvement with the API came during the Inuukkaniq case and her pivotal role within it.

Adrián Lupino

Traveller. Born in 1927 Mexico City, Adrián gained an early interest in mechanics. With a plethora of inventions under his belt, his mangum opus was the creation of a time machine. Travelling to modern-day Washington D.C., his brash demeanor gained the attention of Marcine.


The Attack on Kai Mālie

Detailing of the attack against Marshall Durbeyfield by Nālani Nakamura.


A video game is given to a friend of a Taiwanese game developer, who commits suicide shortly after the game's completion.

Waterfall, Indiana

Six high schoolers work to discover the meaning behind their collective nightmares, which they seem to share.


The supercomputer, AMIK, traps twelve researchers in a facility in Nunavut.

Death Project

Five bodies are found in a burnt-down laboratory in rural Michigan, with surviving papers found there giving more questions than answers.

Bloomington Dream Society

A compendium of creatures from and around the Bloomington, IN area.