you're more lost than you realize. there reaches a point when one enters the woods where the hubristic idea of humans being above nature is destroyed, when you've been wandering for a bit too long, are a bit too tired, and a bit too dehyrdrated. you don't know your way back; even if you did, where would you go? there's nothing left for you out there.
as soon as you begin to think that you shouldn't be here, soft light glows in the distance. its not the small flashes you've seen in your periphery; no, these are lights. looking ahead, there's a house that seems to change appearance every time you look at it.
you could always continue walking. (webrings)
created on 2560 x 1600. not guaranteed mobile friendly. 18+ (no nudity but heavy adult themes). trigger warnings are generally marked, but exercise care. credits.